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FAQs Regarding Sealants

What Are Sealants?

Tooth sealants refers to a plastic that a dentist bonds into the grooves of the chewing surface of a tooth as a means of helping prevent the formation of tooth decay.

How Do Sealants Work?

In many cases, it is nearly impossible for children to clean the tiny grooves on the surfaces of teeth. When a sealant is applied, the surface of the tooth is somewhat flatter and smoother. There are no longer any places on the chewing part of the tooth that the bristles of the tooth brush can't reach and clean. Since plaque can be removed more easily and effectively, there is much less chance that decay will start.

How Important Is Brushing And Flossing After Sealants Are Applied?

It is just as important for your child to brush and floss their teeth. Sealants are only one part of the defensive plan against tooth decay.