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Pediatric Dentistry >

Cavity Prevention

Most of the time cavities are due to a diet high in sugary foods and a lack of brushing. Limiting sugar intake and brushing regularly, of course, can help.

The longer it takes your child to chew their food, the longer the residue stays on their teeth and the greater the chances of getting cavities.

Every time someone eats, an acid reaction occurs inside their mouth as the bacteria digests the sugars. This reaction lasts approximately 20 minutes. During this time the acid environment can destroy the tooth structure, eventually leading to cavities. The consistency of a person's saliva also makes a difference. Thinner saliva breaks up and washes away food more quickly. When a person has a diet high in carbohydrates and sugar, they tend to have thicker saliva, which, in turn, creates more acid producing bacteria that cause decay.

Some tips for cavity prevention:

  1. Limit the frequency of meals and snacks.
  2. Encourage brushing, flossing, and rinsing.
  3. Watch what you drink.
  4. Avoid sticky foods.
  5. Make treats part of meals.
  6. Choose nutritious snacks.

What About Preventative Care?

Tooth decay and children no longer have to go hand-in-hand. At our office, we are most concerned with all aspects of preventive care. We use the latest in sealant technology to protect your child's teeth. Sealants are space age plastics that are bonded to the chewing surfaces of decay-prone back teeth. This is just one of the ways we will set the foundation for your child's lifetime of good oral health.